Sign-up Here for the VIP Club

Receive Discounts and Support all from one convenient signup.

How it works

Simply enter your email and you will be registered for our VIP Discount Club.

From time to time we'll send you special offers for our products on Amazon.

As we release new products you'll get a chance to try them out before anyone else.

Our VIP Club Members might also receive offers for free or nearly free product as part of our new product launch promotions.

Need Help? Have a Question or a Problem?

Simply register and let us know in the comments how it is we can help you.

We pride ourselves in offering the best Customer Service in the industry. Give us an opportunity to show you just how much we care.

If we are thrilled with one of our products, do let us know!.

If you are not happy with one of our products or are having problems, by all means, let us know just as well. We will do everything in our power to make it right!

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